Thursday, January 28, 2010

Worldchanging says Move it or Lose It!

Allex Steffen, editor of writes about how it's time to bust a move on changing the U.S.'s dark energy lifestyle. His point is that we can't just keep the same U.S. lifestyle, switch out a few parts, and carry on our way, but that we need to reinvent our lives and our sense of culture in a thoughtful and speedy manner. He also points out that suburbia is bad news bears for climate change emissions, that the way you live, and where you live matters!

Along the same lines, check out the article and sweet graph about how the good life includes lots of walking, strolling, running, biking, people watching, etc. (it's easier to see if you click on the article link right down there vv)

A Message from Copenhagen: Climate Plan Must Include Walkable Urbanism

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