Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Call for Climate Change Documentaries

The World Bank Social Development Department is sponsoring a contest for mini-documentaries about the social impacts of climate change. Dust off your cameras and make something happen. I don't even know how I stumbled across this, but I bet that there are plenty of awesome ideas out there that are worth 2-5 minutes.

The deadline for submission is Oct 24, 2008. Do it!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Keep bailing!

Privatized Profits and Socialized Losses
Great analysis by Michael Greenberger on NPR
It's a little long, but it's a good explanation.

And for the visually inclined, a great stick-figure powerpoint

Thursday, September 11, 2008


I was talking with strangers about climbing up buildings with toilet plungers tonight, and coincidentally stumbled on this variety of the same idea from designer Robert Nightingale:

...and they say hopping trains is risky...

Posted on Yanko Design