Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Carbon Reduction Rebates

It's like someone decided that today should be Climate Day in Washington! (hey, that's a good idea, why don't we have one of those?)

Today's NPR Planet Money Podcast (<-- listen!) is about a federal middle-class tax break for energy efficiency. Mmm, energy efficiency is so hot! Even the economics-money guys are talking about it.

They also mention that the climate bill doesn't have enough in it that's pro-industry to get anywhere this soon. Sigh. Is it possible to get congressional action on clean energy if it's not pro-industry? I thought congressional action was supposed to be driven by "the people." There's one way we've been able to rustle our congress out of bed to do the work we elected them to do (reminder: we elected them to figure out how to spend our money that we pay in taxes & to keep our nation awesome). In the past, our nation has been able to come together effectively to get federal action on social justice issues, and I think that's what our transition to a clean and green economy really must be if it is to receive congressional support.

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