My primary interest for the last two years has been looking for designers and design focused on climate change. Not just sustainability, or green-ness but actually designing stuff to mitigate CO2Eq's both in production and consumer use. Unfortunately interests and priorities aren't always aligned perfectly, so I'm still searching to hash out this "scene." I know they're out there, and they aren't just making green roofs or gentle cleaning products. So I'm going to try to devote this entry (along with updates) to gathering who's out there and putting them all together here.
I think my symbol animal just may be a squirrel...
Inhabitat is a blog/site devoted to just these things, although their push is sustainability. Their articles rock, so that's close enough for me.
An article on <--- really hot ethanol car, the Mazda Furai. Who needs a tumbler when these already exist? Holy bagasse Batman!
Info on Park(ing) Day, on September 19th, where you take over public car spaces and turn them into a mini park for the day. Who doesn't like to have fun while causing well-intentioned trouble? I know I do. Plus people who participate actually get to DO SOMETHING with their beliefs and opinions, hallelujah. I'm super excited for this. I'm definitely into cars, but Boston could do without half of them, and the other half should not emit CO2
This is a must-read site.
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