Jordan Todd, urban photographer on flickr
Neuarmy print design and illustration. yes.
Adbusters declares that street art is dead. Was that article title ripped from Nas, or Nietzsche? Dead as in thriving? Influential? Successful? Does being mainstream mean hollow, or does it mean that you've changed the direction of the flow? Does the "mainstream" like street art because it looks pretty, or also because of how it makes them feel, think, respond? Perhaps street art has become more popular because it resonates with what we the people feel, but don't say. Sure it's possible to sell out, especially if you're using your art to push that brand of luxury materialism that sells self-worth with handbags. But getting money for your art that has roots in street culture? Rock on to you sir. Will street art be the original thing as it becomes more adopted by mainstream culture? No. What stays orginal anyway? Does that mean it dies? Street art only dies when the artists decide to stop engaging public space with visual commentary. So that's up to the artists.
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