Eco design in Rio? Check. World Social Forum in Belem? Yep.Andre Trigueiro is the best reporter in Brazil covering
all things green. He has a TV show available online, "Cidades e Solucoes" (Cities and Solutions) about "cool" things that
Brazilian cities are doing related to climate change and the environment.
His weekly(?) radio show is the only podcast I download onto my computer.
Most, maybe all, of his work and programs are in Portuguese, but they're possibly the most thorough and consistent reporting on climate and "green" related news that I've heard in any language, so it's worth checking out.
More than just a reiteration of the important ideas about climate change that are discussed internationally, and more than a transfer of information from the US or UK climate camp, the programs really discuss and discover areas where Brazil is on the cutting edge, or where businesses and organizations are on the cutting edge for their communities. The programs focus on solutions, and things that are working. I think that this really encourages viewers to be motivated and convinced that this is the direction that things are moving in Brazil. The traditional focus on what's wrong and what isn't working leaves out the chance to talk about solutions, forward movement, and innovation. As a viewer, I feel enganged and interested in "what's new" and want to look for similar activities in my neighborhood (albeit thousands of miles away). And it makes me want to watch the next one! (Yes, I'm a nerd, I know...)
I learned Portuguese partially by listening to these shows and radio broadcasts because they were about topics interesting to me.