Monday, August 17, 2009

There's No Such Thing as Green Fashion

It's been bugging me for a while that the movement towards being "green" has manifested itself in the fashion industry. The bottom line to climate action is that we need to be a world of less "stuff." As much as I like the aesthetics of fashion, it breeds an irrational desire for a particular brand of object. So all of these "eco" blogs about green designer jeans & organic cotton are starting to get to me. We aren't experiencing climate change because we spray pesticides on cotton crops.

Lika Volkova is an interesting clothing designer because she's decided to cut out as much as possible of the supply chain between the designer and the wearer. I don't sew my own clothes because it's hard. But Volkova begins with the assumption that I, as the sewing novice, and she as the clever design whiz, can make designer clothes happen at home, in a wild, world changing clothing collaboration.

Pretty cool.

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