Hhere's a look at some urban gardening that's going on around the US. 
NYT featured a nice article about rooftop gardens with fun photos. --->
Image via Andrew Wilson, NYT
New York Sun Works has an impressive cadre of worker bees bringing fresh food to the rooftops, office buildings, and yes
rivers of New York. In 2007 they launched a carbon-neutral river barge/greenhouse that grows veggies and hosts visitors to learn about hydroponic horticulture and alternative fuels. Sun Works also has interests in a myriad of projects related to vertical greenhouses & sustainable engineering. Their technology focuses on hydroponics, a growing method I'm not crazy about when it comes to "big picture" food production. On the other hand, the diversification of methods, and the experimentation is hugely important -- and it looks like they're working in a thorough and thoughtful manner. They have a
cool lookin' brochure here.
if we're counting looks, I'd say that this Uros community did a better job on Lake Titicaca, and they didn't even need solar panels...